Web Application Development
Web Application Development
'allow users to interact fully with the bespoke functionality they provide...'
Web applications are more functional than simple websites and allow users to interact fully with the bespoke functionality they provide.
Multiple Locations
Remote Working
On-Line Presence
Customer Registration
Rich & Interactive
Is this your Scenario?
Do your employees require access to your application from multiple sites? Do you want your customers to have access to parts of your data and information? Perhaps you would like customers to register and have a secure account or users within a certain business sector to login and record events, results, download documents/media or book facilities that you offer. Many companies are now moving to remote working, whether its multiple sites, working from home or on the road - if the above scenario's sound familiar, then you require a Web Application (as opposed to a
Desktop Application
- although Acumen can provide both, with full integration if necessary). Web Applications can be thought of as the online version of
Bespoke Desktop Software
and communicate fully with an industry standard database (
SQL Server
) designed by our developers. Now with the
Microsoft .NET Framework
and other tools, this is achievable in a richer, cleaner, slicker and more interactive way than ever before.
Some Useful Documents
To assist you in the successful implementation of your web application solution, you can download our free pdf's on "How to Prepare a Bespoke Software Brief" and our "Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement" (where confidentiality is essential for you) - both are available from our
Resources page
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